Sunday, September 18, 2016

Mixed Typing Issues And Its Solution

Here is a tip for people typing mixed scripts (read Latin-Arabic scripts). You know what happens when you do that. Yes, the irritating shuffling.
Why it occurs?
The issue is related to the direction of a particular script. It changes to left to right when you insert a Latin letter and vice versa in case of Arabic, and we need to fix this manually.
How to avoid this?
[For Inserting Latin into Arabic] Before writing a Latin words put a space then select *left* ALT+SHIFT and type your Latin words. After finishing the insertion, to switch back to Arabic writing mode, put a space and press *right* ALT+SHIFT and continue writing in Arabic.
[For Inserting Arabic into Latin] Before writing a Arabic words put a space then select *right* ALT+SHIFT and type your Arabic words. After finishing the insertion, to switch back to Latin script mode, put a space and press *left* ALT+SHIFT and continue writing in Latin.
I hope its helpful
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